Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: September Song are invited to read in the patio of Rosebud Coffee on 2302 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena or at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, September 17th between 3 and 5 pm PDT.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Charles Harmon

"Leaving L.A."

September Song 

September has always been a portentous month, signaling an end

to the blazing hot days of summer and the dying of the old year.

Hitler and the Nazis chose September 1st, 1939, to invade Poland,

triggering World War 2, which eventually involved 132 countries.

Often forgotten is that Japan invaded or attacked dozens of countries

in the 30s even before hitting Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. 

Auden reminded us of the complexities of war and peace in his poem

“September 1, 1939,” when he wrote, “Those to whom evil is done

do evil in return.” Imposition of massive reparations crushed the

German economy and led to financial collapse and hyperinflation

that pushed Germany into dictatorship and war when Hitler and the

National Socialists were voted into power, resulting in disaster. 

As a curious and motivated student, I always looked forward to

returning to school in September after a summer of sports, books,

hiking and climbing and fishing in the mountains, and vacation.

I climbed the Matterhorn in Switzerland on September 1, 1979,

fulfilling a childhood dream from when I saw the one at Disneyland.

I was reminded of four German climbers who died on its treacherous

North face the week before, and of 85 million lives lost in the war. 

Mom was born in September, a sister, and friends also, and I followed

my parents into the teaching profession when students went back to

school in the seventh month. Oh, yes. September means the seventh

month, so why is it now the 9th month? The Romans added months

named for emperors thought to be gods and the Calendar adjusted.

Despite heat and humidity and hurricane conditions recently I still

think of September as signaling the approach of autumn and winter

and the end of the old year as plants lose their leaves and seem to die,

animals hibernate or migrate to warmer climes, the sun god appears

to be dying, seasons pass, yet April come she will. 

I found it easier to learn foreign languages when I listened to songs

and memorized lyrics, often singing along with the music

I love “The Threepenny Opera,” composed by Kurt Weill, one of the

20th century’s greatest, with hits like “Mac the Knife.” My favorite

is “September Song” recorded by his wife, Lotte Lenya, who fled

Germany with him for America because he was Jewish.

“But the days grow short when you reach September,

And these few precious days I’ll spend with you.”

September 11, 2001

September, I remember, we can never forget

Study the past and you will learn to see the future

And what kind of future can we predict?

For centuries people came to America for freedom

Freedom to live life on their own terms

To live hard, to work hard, to invent and create

To build and expand and make a great country

But now many are drawn by the lure of free money

And government is printing plenty of it

To buy votes, to buy compliance, to make people sheep

And we see where excessive money printing has led

To making the rich boys who control everything

Even richer, and making the politicians they buy off

Even richer, even as they make the money worth less

Until it is worthless, and yes it has happened before

Many times before as when hyperinflation made

Germany bankrupt to where they voted in Hitler

Hyperinflation made Russia bankrupt

To the point they threw in with Lenin and Stalin

And created the vast enslavement of the Soviet Union.

It happened in China to the point they threw in with Mao

And hundreds of millions were slaughtered

By their own governments in the name of socialism

But what of a religion that says they are the only true one

Discounting ancient religions that came long before

And they claim the right to enslave and slaughter

Those who do not obey, those that do believe it is right

For a man to have four wives who are mere property

And whose prophet had 97 wives and married one aged nine?

September, I remember, they used the inventions of freedom

To attack a free country and kill citizens of 165 countries

Who were living and working and creating here

Who used the airplanes, flight fuel, telephones, and computers

To bring down the skyscraper towers that free people invented

To bring us back to primitive dictatorships of 14 centuries ago.

Please notice that millions of people are coming here

Not just for the free money but for the freedom and opportunity.

Not many are leaving for better opportunities elsewhere

Although some are leaving because they fear collapse and war.

Study the past and you will see the future.

There was a band I once saw that called it “Devolution.”


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