Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: September Song are invited to read in the patio of Rosebud Coffee on 2302 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena or at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, September 17th between 3 and 5 pm PDT.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Kathee Hennigan Bautista


September is hot in California

Days of sunshine burning shoulders

Of those needing to be outside

Metal doorknobs scorching hands as we scramble in the house.

Where is an oven mitt when it’s needed?

Construction workers, delivery persons, gardeners 

Begin work at dawn to start in cooler light

 Sweating under hats that don’t prevent sweat

From rolling down the backs of shirts

September is hot in California

A delivery truck is stocked with a dozen bottles of frozen water

That the driver will replenish by noon 

Roofers keep their ice chest full of water and Gatorade 

Waiting in the shade for thirsty lips

Co-workers keep an eye out for one another for signs of heat exhaustion

Boy it is hot on the roof!

September is hot in California

Back-to-school sales and pumpkin lattes claiming the arrival of autumn. 

Thermometers and calendars remind us that summer continues

Schools keep children in for recess lest 

A child fall from the jungle gym while experiencing sun stroke

Or third degree burns while kicking a ball.

Senior citizens crowd into “cooling centers” at the community center or library

Feigning an interest in playing cards while

Secretly worried about the price of electricity during a heat wave.

California is hot in September

My Dear One

You bring focus to all that is 


In a hurried and rushed world

I slow down for you.

Your thoughts are important 

As you share

With halted speech and slurred words

You speak with your eyes

I lay everything aside to listen to your 


In my busy world I see

That you are a dancer, an athlete, a singer,

A bicyclist, an artist, a techie 

One who smiles with your whole body

Because your joy can not be contained

On your face alone. 

I hear your song!

Indeed, you are joy in every movement!

In the midst of what others see as limitations

You bring wholeness to my life

And in seeing your gifts, my own brokenness begins to find peace. 

We bring healing to one another.

You teach me that the purpose of life is to love. 

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