Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: September Song are invited to read in the patio of Rosebud Coffee on 2302 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena or at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, September 17th between 3 and 5 pm PDT.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Alicia Viguer-Espert


The Seventh Month

From the door I search 

the blues from my youth

which were many.

The heat of august sails

over a straight horizon,

light offers shade to pine trees

no longer trampled by torridity.

As September expires, 

I lift my eyes which have seen so much sky,

above torsos of fishermen, their straw hats, 

espadrilles, even flying seagulls.

At the shore

the frothy sound of a playful sea delights,

keeps my toes cool, 

the heart burning,

with nostalgia. 

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