Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: September Song are invited to read in the patio of Rosebud Coffee on 2302 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena or at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, September 17th between 3 and 5 pm PDT.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Dean Okamura


“Crepuscule” (2022)

A glimpse into a dark soul

He ate the poison of his deeds; his body held reservoirs of self-hate.
Knew little of freedom — trapped in repetition.
     over and over,
     it is not a thing learned — 

The condemnation came from those; the holy ones should have been pillars of hope.
Collapsed in the heaps — lost souls.
     homeless, living in a house he owns,
     it is poverty of another kind —

Tonight, he died, tomorrow, he lives; living scares him more than dying.
Death is waiting — around each corner.
     Death is a cynic,
     draining empty hearts —

He believes that heaven and hell do not exist for him; that he is different.
While others find peace — others tormented after Death.
     he suffers here,
     imagining more and more suffering —

Because he knows the September sun rises, and tomorrow is a harvest of despair.

He thinks it over. He remembers no message of good news: just false, empty words.
While each of the shit house philosophers collects their pay.
     he sits in dark despair,
     twisting his wrists around his neck —

"Blue moment" (2022)

Song of blue moment
Oh baby, 
Let me ask you 
please, please, hear me. 

Can we 
Find a way to 
live in this crazy, crazy… 

With the world fall- 
ing apart and vanishing? 

Oh baby, 
Let me ask you 
please, please, imagine 

Can we 
Find a way to 
build us a sanctuary… 

Within our selves 
tranquility together. 

agitated pond — 
the uneasy surface hides… 
pockets of refuge 

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