Poets and artists published in Spectrum Online Edition: September Song are invited to read in the patio of Rosebud Coffee on 2302 E. Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena or at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, September 17th between 3 and 5 pm PDT.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

R A Ruadh

September’s Inheritance

If truth be told

he’d rather be on his farm

knee boots and kilt

a well worn cardigan

staff in hand between the rows

redolent of the season’s last tomatoes

winter vegetables coming on

He’d rather drink in

the rich scent of soil and pasture

blending harmoniously with birdsong

gossiping chickens

the occasional commentary of

a cow on the hill beyond

He’d rather enjoy purposeful

wanders along the hedges

wakening appetite for the simple dinner

at end of day

and restful evenings with his beloved

as the country night draws in

Yet it is country which calls

the long dreaded moment

of death and duty

for which he was born

and which one day

his son in turn will inherit

Others will tend these gardens and fields

as he travels

ever farther from the seasons’ turning

to be buried

alive and after life by

ceremony, sceptre, and

city stone

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